The Spontaneous Experience of the Self as Brahmam | Nidhaga's Experience | Verse - 114


Verse: 5


guruvara ninkaruNaiyinâl gaNa nêratil
kuraivutarum bêtamati anaittum nîngki
caruvamumê Brahmamennum niccayatai
câlavumê tiTamâka cârntô mantô!
paraviya ivuramâna niccayattâl
paramâna emmiTai yâm cântamâki
viravubava tukkangaL anaittum nikki
vimala parama ânantam aTaintômantô!


Best among Guru-s, oh! By your compassion,
Rid of all restricting ideas of differences and with great steadfastness
We have instantaneously reached
The certitude that all is Brahmam".
Oh! By this expansive, definite certitude,
We are at peace within Ourself, the Absolute,
And with all the spreading misery of the mundane existence removed,
Oh, We have, indeed, attained the blemishless, supreme Bliss.


O Lord! Sadguruvaarya! Lord of Lords!
By your supreme grace, We are free from:
1. Doubt and confusion regarding names and forms caused by ignorance,
2. Delusion due to beauty,
3. Fear in life: What will happen? How will it happen?
4. Happiness and sorrow arising out of these.

This means, the fear of the enemy, called ignorance, has left Us. The above mentioned
evil tendencies have left Us, We have achieved the Nirguna State (free from all mental tendencies), the Knowledge of Brahmam. As We have attained the Nirguna State, fear arising from the duality that the world is separate has left Us, and the non-dual attitude that Brahmam alone exists is established. As a reslt, Our involvement in Karma has vanished. We are established in Our natural state, We are That'.

                  YOU ARE EVERYTHING!


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