The Spontaneous Experience of the Self as Brahmam | Nidhaga's Experience | Verse - 112



Verse: 112

catguruvê! ninataruLâl akaNTa jnâna
catturuvâm aññânam anaittum nîngki
nirguNamâm para Brahma jnânam perru
nikilavita karumattum cirattai yarru
turguNamâm prabañcattu uNmai nîngki
tuvaitattâl to Tarum bayam anaittum nîngki
aTsharamam para Brahma sorûpamâki
ayalarra abayapatam aTaintô manrô!


Good Guru! By your grace,
Rid of all ignorance - the arch-enemy of undivided Knowledge -
Attaining the Knowledge of the attributeless Supreme Brahmam,
Indifferent to all kinds of action,
Devoid of the delusion of the existence of the phenomenal universe,
Free from all the inhibiting fear of duality,
Becoming of the nature of the decayless Supreme Brahmam,
Oh, We have reached the fearless Abode that has nothing apart from It.


O Our Gurudeva! In a moment's time, Our mind, the cause of ignorance and imaginary
intellect, Chitta, has disappeared and now We exist as peace. All the sorrow and fear havingvanished, We remain filled with eternal bliss in the attitude: 'Everything is Brahmam; We are That; That We are'!

Listen! A person was climbing the steps to reach the top. On reaching the last step, he
placed one foot on the top. He needs o  nly a moment more to put his second foot on the
top. He had climbed all the steps with great struggle. The time duration he had taken for
the climb can be estimated. The moment both his feet are placed on the top of the ascent, the steps that he had climbed will vanish, fall out of sight. Similarly, at the very moment of realizing the formless state of Nirguna after prolonged and rigorous Sadhana, the world of forms and names recedes.

Though Sri Gurudev knows how much time the disciple will take to realize the Self, he will not disclose it. The reason is: Either the disciple will discontinue his Sadhana due to fear or lack of confidence and he may even start to descend, or else his ego and conceit will rise since he is now sure of realization, causing him to slip down from the stepladder. Top level represents Jivan Mukti. The flight of steps represents the successive stages in the rigorous Sadhana. The act of climbing reflects one's faith in the teachings of Sadguru.

When you are ascending higher and higher with firm determination, your attention will not be focused on the steps left behind. If your attention is drawn back to lower steps, you cannot ascend. This clinging to past will cause you to revolve in the wheel of life and
death. Here, you are not doing spiritual Sadhana, but living for worldly pleasures.
The same context can be explained through another example.

Suppose a person has inadvertently tied a rope around his neck, putting ten knots. Then he suffocates and cannot remove the knots on his own. Will the person be completelyreleased if only one or two knots are untied by someone? Of course, not. Only after thetenth knot is undone, will he get total relief. He should have faith in the other person(Guru) who unfastens the knots.

Even after some of the knots are removed, if the person suffers from one of the following,
other knots cannot be loosened:
1. Affected by destiny, Karma and mind
2. Mental disturbance caused by sufferings of the body
3. Lack of faith in the teachings of Sadguru

Disciple: Even after all the knots of the mind are untied, what can We do if We put
the knots once again?

Sri Sadguru: Don't worry. Once all the knots are loosened, it is not possible to put them
back because you don't have a mind to do so.

Disciple : What will happen to the rope of mind?

Sri Sadguru : Since the mind has become Brahmam, it will be burnt like ash. In this metaphor, also, the time duration to untie the tenth knot is just a moment only.

Disciple : O Gurudeva! By your ocean of grace, We have become That; That has
become Us, in a moment.

                 YOU ARE EVERYTHING!

The Spontaneous Experience of the Self as Brahmam | Nidaga's Experience | Verse - 112


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